Thorne's Whey Protein Isolate is NSF Certified for Sport®. It provides 21 grams of protein per serving from an easily assimilated, non-denatured whey source. It features a balanced amino acids profile, including lysine and arginine and the branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which allow the body to be better able to benefit from the protein. Whey Protein Isolate is ideal for anyone who needs additional protein in their diets – from world-class athletes to aging adults. It supports fitness training, weight management, or just maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Low in sugar, calories, and fat, and easy to digest, Thorne's Whey Protein Isolate contains all the essential amino acids. Its sweeteners and flavorings are derived from natural sources, and it contains no soy. It can be mixed with water or a beverage, or blended into a smoothie or shake.
Dietitians often recommend consuming high-quality protein at every meal. Thorne's Whey Protein Isolate powder is a convenient and versatile source of high-quality protein. It's also a complete protein because it contains all of the essential amino acids and it has an optimal absorption profile. While most whole food protein sources require preparation and refrigeration, protein powder is kept easily in a gym bag, a briefcase, a school locker, or a kitchen pantry for a quick serving of protein, as a stand-alone snack, or to complement a protein-deficient meal. Thorne's Whey Protein Isolate tastes delicious on its own, and won't overpower other flavors when mixed with other ingredients. With gut health in mind, digestive enzymes from papaya and pineapple have been added to support digestion of the protein powder while removing all but trace amounts of lactose from the powder.
Whey Protein Isolate contains approximately 2.3 grams per serving of leucine, an amino acid that signals the muscles to recover and repair after a workout. Research shows that this is the amount of leucine that best repairs and maintains muscle. Whey Protein Isolate also provides added bromelain and papain for their protease activity – to help with protein digestion. This Thorne product is sweetened using evaporated cane sugar and stevia extract, which yields only two grams of sugar per serving.
Because an athlete needs to know that his or her supplements are trustworthy and compliant, every batch of an NSF Certified for Sport® product is tested for compliance with label claims and to ensure the absence of more than 200 substances banned by many major athletic organizations, including stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, and masking agents.
Mix 1 scoop with at least 8 ounces of water, juice, or preferred beverage daily or as recommended by your health-care practitioner.
Alkalized cocoa powder, flavors, evaporated cane juice sugar, stevia extract (leaf) (Rebaudioside A 95%), xanthan gum, carboxymethylcellulose gum.
Contains ingredient derived from milk (whey protein isolate).
Tamper Evident: Use only if bottle is sealed. Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place.
If pregnant, consult your health-care practitioner before using this product.
While «Eco-Herb» strives to ensure the accuracy of its product images and information, some manufacturing changes to packaging and/or ingredients may be pending update on our site. Although items may occasionally ship with alternate packaging, freshness is always guaranteed. We recommend that you read labels, warnings and directions of all products before use and not rely solely on the information provided by «Eco-Herb».
Visit manufacturer's websiteПроизводитель: Thorne
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Стоимость |
Бесплатно | 500,00 ₽ | Стоимость доставки будет рассчитана при оформлении заказа. | 500,00 ₽ |
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На сайте Почты России: Трек-номер будет работать после прохождения таможенной службы в РФ. |
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На сайте Boxberry: Для этого вaм не понaдобится регистрaция. Достaточно ввести трек-номер для отслеживaния и нaжaть кнопку «Отследить». Отследить посылку в мобильном приложении или в личном кaбинете. Трек-номер будет работать после прохождения таможенной службы в РФ и поступления посылки на склад Boxberry, до этого посылку везет другая ТК. |
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